Yurusu Aikido

Official Organization of Aikido In The Nishio Tradition.
our budo

What is Aikido?

Aikido kanji

AIKIDO (合気道, Aikido in the West, Aikidó in Hungary ) is a modern Japanese martial art based on traditional foundations. It was founded by Uesiba Morihei, better known as O-sensei, meaning "Grandmaster" or "Great Teacher". The practical techniques of aikido are based on refined movement, sensing and deflecting the opponent's strength and dispersing or turning it back on the opponent. In the Founder's words, aikido is a Way to overcome conflicts within oneself, to create peace in the universe. Accordingly, in the practice of aikido, there is no opponent or enemy, but a partner to lead and guide. The practitioner should therefore not seek to destroy, but to manage conflict constructively in all cases.

Aikido is not a competitive sport. The aim of aikido is not only to perfect certain movements or holds, but also to improve the practitioner's (aikidoka) in accordance with the laws of nature.

Aikido's parent organisation is the Tokyo-based Aikikai Federation (Aikikai Foundation) , whose main goal is the development and promotion of aikido.


Origin of Aikido.

The roots of Aikido are closely linked to Japanese culture and several traditional martial arts, which Morihei Ueshiba combined with his own ideas and philosophy. The development of Aikido draws from many sources:

Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu: During his studies, Ueshiba was greatly influenced by Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu, a traditional Japanese martial art. He studied this art under Takeda Sokaku, whose main focus is on harnessing the opponent's energy and momentum, joint tensing, throwing and locking.

Shinto: Ueshiba's spiritual journey also had a profound influence on the development of Aikido. The teachings of Shinto, the ancient Japanese religion, had a great influence on Ueshiba's philosophical views and the spiritual aspects of Aikido. Shinto's emphasis on harmony with nature, purification rituals and respect for life was consistent with Ueshiba's vision of martial arts as a means of personal growth and spiritual development.

Morihei Ueshiba Ayabe in 1922

Morihei Ueshiba Ayabe, in 1922, in front of a poster with the inscription "Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu".

Demonstration of Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei and Nobuyoshi Tamura's sword kata

Demonstration of Morihei Ueshiba O-Sensei and Nobuyoshi Tamura's sword kata, circa 1960.

Philosophy of non-violence: Ueshiba saw Aikido not only as self-defence, but also as a peaceful resolution of anger and conflict. His philosophy was to use the energy of the opponent, not to respond to violence with violence. Aikido aims to neutralize aggression while minimizing injury to both the attacker and the defender.

Iaido and Kenjutsu: Ueshiba also studied sword arts such as Iaido and Kenjutsu. His understanding of sword movements and principles has also had a great influence on Aikido techniques, with many movements and concepts derived from the sword arts, including fluid movements, proper timing and redirection of force.

Aikido thus has its roots in traditional Japanese martial arts, spiritual philosophy and Ueshiba's personal experiences and faith. This rich blend makes Aikido a unique martial art that focuses not only on self-defence, but also on the personal development, spiritual growth and the promotion of peace and harmony.

good to know

Principles of Aikido.

The basic principles of Aikido include the use and control of the energy of the attack, harmonious movement, the use of the attacker's energy of the attacker. Other important principles include:

Grab it!: While we often practice holds in our aikido training, we don't actually use such "attacks." encountered in martial arts training. The idea of attempting to grab an opponent's wrist is more or less unthinkable ... read more

There is no default stance: The basic stance can build conflict, because it is not natural, but shows that you are ready or preparing for a fight. Therefore, in aikido there is no need for a stance. Ueshiba Sensei himself always naturally... read more

An important trio: Aikido as an accepting martial art includes three important elements: the entry (irimi) the strike (atemi)... read more

Irimi isoku: Irimi is a "half step". It determines the outcome of a conflict before the first contact is made. At the moment of contact, the situation... read more

Ai-Ki: "Ai" is harmony and "Ki" is energy or life force. The aim of Aikido is to harmonize the human energies and direct them towards positive, harmonious goals.

Use of the attacker's energy: Aikido is not about using force against the energy of your opponent, but it is about taking it over and controlling it, using the opponent's strength in movement and techniques.

Kokyuho: This refers to the importance of breathing in Aikido. Breathing correctly helps you to control your energy and your movements and techniques.

Central force and balance: Aikido encourages practitioners to find balance in body and mind. Central strength and stability allow you to effectively manage your opponent's energy.

Ukemi: This technique is the art of falling and rolling in Aikido. Practitioners of Aikido learn not only techniques, but also how to fall safely and flexibly to the ground to minimise the possibility of injury.


The philosophy of Aikido.

In general

Aikido (合気道) is the modern manifestation of budo, considered the most spiritual of the Japanese martial arts. It is an art of peace, a philosophical system. The founder of aikido, Ueshiba Morihei, was a spiritual martial artist who believed that the people can live in harmony with each other and with nature.

Paradoxically, aikido is a non-violent martial art, practitioners fully commit themselves to each and every combat encounter yet their practice seeks to neutralize conflict. In this way Aikido promotes peace in the world through them. O'Sensei's philosophy is unexpected, even revolutionary, for the martial arts. As Morihei Ueshiba said, when you are attacked with fists, two escape or return the blow with a punch.

The first is imperfect, since one man demonstrates his cowardice, thereby humiliating himself and elevating the one who is not worthy and will always find another victim... read more

The philosophy of Aikido
Aikido is for everybody!


As an adult, it is no longer always easy to start a new thing. It is driven by curiosity, the desire for knowledge, but there is a lot of doubt, the inhibitions raised in you, the failures you have experienced before. What if I get awkward? How am I going to learn this? I'm too old for it, should I have started 20 years ago? What if I get hurt? Is it accepted by the community?

We have good news! Almost everyone has these questions in their minds before deciding to try Aikido! The only difference is that someone will turn back here because they succumb to the negative programs clicking in their head, and someone will take it upon themselves and take the first step!

No matter how old you are, what your physical condition is, there is no age limit in Aikido! You can have countless goals that this martial art, a form of movement, can help you with. Do you want to feel better? Want to spend a few hours a week in a support community? Do you want to find your balance, break out of the treadmill of everyday life? Take the first step yourself!

Adult aikido classes
Childrean aikido classes

Children class

Wondering if Aikido would be the right form of movement for your child? We help couple with thought to make it easier to decide.

In most sports, it is inevitable that your child will be in a competitive position, so school stress can be put on by even a shovel in the expectation of the sport. If you’re more looking now with the idea that your child is happy to do a movement where there is no comparison with others, no races, and too much pressure, then you’re in the right place! What Aikido can give your child is a supportive community where it can develop unnoticed.

The aim of our trainings is to improve posture, develop movement coordination, develop a willingness to cooperate, with tasks that require attention and focus, in a friendly, good community, in small groups, without injuries.

We welcome all primary school children to our children's aikido trainings. The structure of the workouts and the examination system, which is also considered important for children, are designed to cover this relatively wide period of childhood well and to provide a challenge for all ages.

For most sports clubs, only the first time is free. For us, our experience is that children need to dissolve more than once, make first friendships, and the initial touch, perhaps fright, disappear. For this reason, we provide a full monthly aikido training opportunity free of charge. This way you can decide without obligation and with certainty whether you want to join the workouts.

All our aikido trainings are open, so you can join, watch and try our training at any time. If you have any questions, please contact me with confidence:
Ferenc Németh phone: +36 20 99 11 622.

I do/have practiced other martial arts

Did you think that half of our members didn't start practicing martial arts with aikido? Apparently not it is rare for many to come to us later, after practicing several bends, detours, and multiple styles. Why could it be In your twenties, early thirties, you might still feel like you can do almost anything. Flexible or, your fitness is snapping, your injuries will regenerate quickly. As time goes on, all of a sudden you are painfully confronted with the fact that your body is becoming more and more vulnerable and is facing obstacles that have so far you didn't even notice. Is there still progress from here, and if so, in what way?

You may also have had the good fortune to learn some martial arts as a child or as a young adult, but then you stopped, life drifted in a different direction. However, deep in your soul, the tatami, the gym, even the white training suit is hidden deep in your wardrobe, you didn't have a heart to throw out…

If these thoughts have turned in your head as well, you are in the right place. We wrote this blog just for you.

The human body has physical endowments of head, limbs, joints, sensitive points, and surfaces that are exploited and attacked by various martial arts. For this reason, the same techniques can be found in most martial arts with minor major differences. Aikido can also be thought of as a sophisticated method for our other martial arts. This method can be applied to a greater or lesser extent depending on the nature of the particular martial art, for example, goju-ryu karate is characterized by an alternation of hardness and softness, it fits well with aikido, but there is a karate style, “Strength Karate”, with which fewer common point can be found. In aikido, technical knowledge is very important, less strength, the structure of trainings also follows and strengthens this principle.

Other martial artist aikido training
Yurusu Budo

Our way to AIKIDO

Our way to aikido

In our trainings you can practice the improved AIKIDO techniques created by the master Shoji Nishio, based on the ideas of the use of weapons (sword, stick). The techniques are not aimed at destroying the partner, but at keeping him under constant control, giving you the opportunity to end the attack without injury and stay alive. Master Nishio's vision and his published book Yurusu Budo - Forgiving Martial Arts. The techniques he created are all based on this idea, while keeping in mind the the real combat value of the techniques.

The main aim of aikido is to train the body and mind, but spending two and a half hours a week in a dojo is not enough. The age in which we live is not allow us to spend all our time practicing and living the dojo, but there is the possibility for continuous improvement.

Be your own master, your home is the Zen monastery!

Of course you need a guide to follow and accept his ideas, you need to practice together, but 3 hours a week is is not enough. Therefore, an integral part of our training is the practice of other forms of movement, martial arts, especially those that are can be done alone. Toho Iai, practicing nunchaku, chi kung. The many possibilities make the training very varied and complex at the same time and gives everyone the opportunity to do it at their own pace and schedule.


about training

Our association and dojos place great emphasis on quality instruction, so we limit the number of participants in training. Always call to see if there is an opportunity to join! This rule is to protect those who are already practicing with us, as progress can only be made well if everyone is given enough attention and space. You may have to wait to join a group, but in return we give you 1 month of free training so you can decide to continue with confidence and without doubt.

What equipment do you need?

Nothing special, t-shirt and warmer bottom. In the aikido trainings we are barefoot, tatami. The workouts no one needs to appear in a white aikido or karate suit to try it. Later, if you have already decided that you want to persevere in the aikido training sessions and take the exam, a white practicing dress is already recommended.

What does aikido training consist of?

What is certain is that no two aikido trainings are the same, there is a great variety of exercises. Some exercises are done individually, others in pairs or even in small groups. There are basically three main parts to the training. The first half hour is a full body warm-up. This consists of basic gymnastic exercises and special exercises mostly used in martial arts, aikido. Various "close to the ground" exercises such as rolls are also part of the warm-up. In the middle part we practice some aikido technique, if possible with different weapon variations. Here we usually do the exercises in pairs. Weapons training is not only useful because you learn how to use the tool. The specificities of each weapon also help us to hone our freehand techniques, as mistakes made with a weapon can be more obvious and easier to spot and correct. We are used to using wooden training swords (bokken), long sticks (jo), and sometimes even the nunchaku. At the end of the training session we do some kind of relaxation movement, which may vary from dojo to dojo. Everybody in Albertirsa loves the chi kung exercises, after which participants leave feeling recharged.

Questions and answers

Based on our experience, we have compiled a non-exhaustive list of questions about aikido and training and the answers to them. If your question is not on the list, drop us an email and we will try to answer it.

read more


1 month trial training for free!

We welcome everyone, it is a pleasure for us if you decide to try the aikido trainings with us, and to do this without any obligations, a full month of free training for everyone we provide!

Family discount

We welcome not only you, but also the rest of your family! The more of you from the same family, the bigger the discount.

School certificate

Student members of our association have the opportunity to request an exemption from gym classes. We can issue certificates to our members who undertake the aikido workouts at least 50% participate and pay the monthly membership fee. Participation in training is school physical education, which is why absences are treated similarly to school.

videos, documents

tying a belt to a normal/thin fabric belt youtube video

tying a belt to a thick material belt youtube video

adult training - advertising video youtube video

kids workout - advertising video youtube video

kids exam 2013.12.14 Csömör youtube video

aikido moments youtube video

training camp Rakovnik youtube video


where you can practice with us


about us and training

Through a friend, I came across Master Nishio's system and grabbed it. But maybe even more important to me, I really like my training partners. I've never met such a helpful and supportive community anywhere, it's very inspiring, for me it's one of the most important aspects.
For me, in addition to the many repetitive boring daily routines, a different world. In that case, I'm not thinking about anything, I can immerse myself in what I'm doing, and it refills, soothes. Absolute self time :-)
I recharge very pleasantly both physically and mentally! It helps maintain the flexibility of my muscles, or due to my age, slows down the aging process. My self-confidence is on top every day too! It just positively affects my life.
But the most important part of the training is not what you do, how you do it, but the effort you put into it. It's the focused attention that makes everyday worries and problems almost irrelevant. "To be present", "to be in our body", that's the defining factor. The body-conscious movement. It is not possible to stay healthy in the long term without our bodies breathing out all the movement, hurry and stress that is trapped inside us, stuck in our bodies, because of the thousands of things we have to do with family, work and travel. In training, attention is constantly bouncing between 'out' and 'in'. How do you do it? Am I doing it right? Yet those moments are decisive, when a movement has my full presence, and even if it is not perfect, it carries me along, evolves, comes into being. Chikung deepens all this. Even more, there is time for the "inside". The "outside" is even more eclipsed. And all this is in constant motion; dynamic, full of energizing movements. (Melinda 48 years old woman)

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  • Ferenc Nemeth

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